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Scientists tell us that emotions like love are actually caused by chemical and hormonal reactions in our brains. Yet when we affirm “Love is the center of our faith” or say that “God is love” are we speaking about something deeper and more powerful than just chemistry? How do the science and the spirituality of … Continue reading The Science and Spirituality of Love
Are the sources we call on most for strength and wisdom to be found in forces that reside in realms beyond us? Or are they to be found by looking inward? We often speak of a divine spark residing within each of us. We talk of reason and conscience being a guide towards goodness. What … Continue reading You’ve Got It in You!
The traditional definition of prayer is that it is a practice which connects us with the holy and the transcendent. Such practice takes many forms within the world’s diverse religious traditions. Teachings about how and when and why to pray are often passed down from generation to generation. We’ll explore how as Unitarian Universalists we … Continue reading Practically Praying