Who is Rus Ervin Funk? Learn more about him at http://rusfunk.me/
Rus is a member of Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church and an activist for Social Justice programs within our community. TJ is proud of his work within our community and abroad.

Rus is a consultant specializing in working with organizations and communities. His efforts focus on helping create systems level changes and transformation that make organizations and communities more “welcoming, respectful and valuing.”
His primary focus areas include promoting healthy masculinities; preventing violence; promoting equity, diversity and justice. Rus is a long-time activist and community organizer focusing on anti-racism, and gender justice. He has more than 30 years experience in mobilizing men to help end violence against women, and working with communities, campuses and organizations.
Check out what he has been invited to participate in this month:
Oct. 21 Barcelona, Spain: day-long training on preventing sexualized violence with men and boys: toxic masculinity and pornography.
Oct 23-24 Crete: (The keynote will be live streamed 2-3 pm local time). The keynote address and workshop with the European Network on work with perpetrators. The keynote and workshop addresses preventing intimate partner sexual violence (basically, sexual assault as a dynamic of domestic violence— which big domestic violence agencies and program and rape crisis agencies are ill equipped to address)
Oct 25-26 Stockholm: facilitate a training on future meetings to address men’s pornography use in the context of promoting gender equality.
Oct 27 Florence: presentation on engaging adolescent men to prevent gender based violence
TJ is proud of Rus and our Social Justice activism! #socialjustice #churchmember #unitarianuniversalistchurch