What the U*U!!?? Zoom Discussions with Rev. Bruce, Wed. 9/8 and 9/15 @ 6:30pm

Chalice -What the U*U?

So just what the heck is Unitarian Universalism?

Many of us who have been UUs for a long time still struggle to be able to explain our church and our religious movement. Newcomers find that we hold a unique approach to the idea of “church.” Rev. Bruce Beisner invites you to join him for a two-session discussion class that will explore the history and theological evolution of Unitarianism, Universalism and Unitarian Universalism. We will look at a variety of lenses for articulating the world view and common values that define us. This class is perfect for newcomers as well as those who have called this church their home for decades.

Bring your questions.

This class will be presented on Zoom.

Join us at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85793476167 (Meeting ID: 857 9347 6167)