Weekend Rally for Women’s Reproductive Rights and LGBTQ Justice January 18th 2025 at Metro Hall

“We came out with our signs today,” said Rev. Bruce Beisner, All Peoples’ minister. “We’re glad it’s not raining, and we just want to let Louisville know that justice is a major part of our faith.”

Signs in support of reproductive rights and the LGBTQ+ community were visible among the crowd.

“Our core values as religious people call us to stand up for our neighbors, to protect women, to respect women, to respect women’s bodies and to recognize that they should have the right to make their own decisions, to protect our LGBTQ friends and neighbors and make sure that their rights are preserved,” Beisner said.

Spectrum News Coverage – https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2025/01/18/all-peoples-rally?cid=app_share

WAVE News Coverage – https://www.wave3.com/2025/01/18/groups-march-metro-hall-human-rights/