Supporting the Louisville Protests


In Solidarity, our Board of Trustees is declaring support for First Unitarian Church and their role in the Louisville protests.

Our statement is as follows:

We the Board of Trustees of All Peoples UU Congregation support and congratulate our sibling congregation, the First Unitarian Church of Louisville, for their recent acts of love and justice. That First Church has offered the sanctuary of their sacred space to the aid of protesters is among the truest manifestations of our faith. This faith firmly upholds the right of individual conscience to shape our society for the better and calls upon us all to confront systemic oppression and white supremacy. So long as recognized leaders in the peaceful struggle for social and racial justice are targeted by law enforcement for arrest, violence, or any other form of abuse, they and their fellow protesters shall find comfort among Unitarian Universalists everywhere. We remain steadfast in our belief that Black Lives Matter, and our congregations will continue to build a world in which every individual, regardless of race, receives justice and is treated equitably and with compassion.

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