Dear All Peoples Members,
The Spring Congregational Meeting will be held this Sunday, May 16, at 1 pm by Zoom (no one will be in the Sanctuary for this meeting!). Note that this is a separate link from the Sunday service Zoom link.
The Meeting Agenda and Proposed Budget were emailed on 5-13-21.
Now — drum roll
The Nominating Committee’s slate for Board of Trustees is:
- Debbie Lawther (BOT meetings will for sure have a virtual component as she joins us from across the pond!)
We thank them both for agreeing to serve on the Board of Trustees.
The Board has nominated members for the Secretary and the Treasurer. New this year, the congregation will vote to confirm these nominations:
- Secretary: Lori Sargent
- Treasurer: Steve Koehler.
The Board is excited by this slate and recommends that you vote to confirm these individuals.
Join this important meeting on Sunday at 1 pm!
The Zoom invitation is as follows:
All Peoples is inviting members to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Spring Congregational meeting
Time: May 16, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 995 7211 2737
Passcode: 191690
One tap mobile
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