Speaker: Rev. Bruce Beisner

Finding Hope in the 21st Century

On Saturday June 8, Unitarian Universalists from across our Commonwealth will gather in Louisville for the first ever in-person meeting of the Kentucky UU Justice Action Network (KUUJAN). As we deepen our connections and commitments, All Peoples and First Unitarian Church will come together for a very special joint Sunday service on June 9. As KUUJAN Coordinator … Continue reading Finding Hope in the 21st Century

Samsara and Nirvana

Are there truths beyond what we see in the joys and sufferings of everyday life?  Buddhist philosophy encourages us to seek deeper fulfillment than can be found in simple material treasures and pleasures. How do our Unitarian Universalist principles and values reflect this timeless Eastern wisdom? How might practices of Engaged Buddhism inform and enliven … Continue reading Samsara and Nirvana

Bring Many Names

Throughout history and across cultures, people have used different words to describe what is most holy and sacred in life. Some terms point outwards towards supernatural sources beyond us while others speak of inner manifestations of spirit.  Rev. Bruce will explore diverse names for god and the theological implications of each. Click here to View … Continue reading Bring Many Names

Politeness Meet Passion

As a church which celebrates respect for diverse beliefs, we are called to accept one another. As a church which believes in justice, we are called to resist systems and ways of being which create oppression. Can we balance these two conflicting foundational values in our faith? What happens when we are faced with behaviors … Continue reading Politeness Meet Passion