Speaker: Rev. Bruce Beisner

It’s a Family Thing

These days, our American family seems as divided as the Hatfields and McCoys. How can so many of our neighbors, family members and friends support leaders who openly promote anti-democratic and discriminatory attitudes? We will consider how our social and political ideologies are related to our concepts of parenting and nurturance and what kind of … Continue reading It’s a Family Thing

Just as I Am

None of us is perfect and we all have parts of ourselves we may wish we could change. Rev. Bruce will lead us in contemplating how sometimes our greatest challenges and the things that others label as differences or disabilities are what make us who we are. Our uniqueness is a gift that we have … Continue reading Just as I Am

Joining with the Integrative Process

20th century philosopher and theologian Henry Nelson Weiman wrote that religion was “a way of training ourselves to join more fully with the integrating process which works through all the world to bring human lives into fellowship and to maintain interdependence between all existence.” Weiman identified this integrating process as God. How do our personal and … Continue reading Joining with the Integrative Process