Speaker: Rev. Bruce Beisner

The Power of Some

When people are asked why church is important to them, the number one response is often “a sense of community.” In troubling times and when we are faced with tragedy and challenge, there can be strength in numbers. We will spend some time delving into the deeper truth that we can be and do more … Continue reading The Power of Some

The Power of One

Unitarian Universalists call on many diverse sources for inspiration and direction. In addition to wisdom from the world’s many religious traditions, we look to the words and deeds of prophetic people of our past and present. Our service on September 15 will include stories, readings and meditations honoring some of the most influential figures in … Continue reading The Power of One

It’s a Family Thing

These days, our American family seems as divided as the Hatfields and McCoys. How can so many of our neighbors, family members and friends support leaders who openly promote anti-democratic and discriminatory attitudes? We will consider how our social and political ideologies are related to our concepts of parenting and nurturance and what kind of … Continue reading It’s a Family Thing