Speaker: Rev. Bruce Beisner

TBD: To Be Determined

Certain moments come in our personal lives and in our larger society that we think of as “turning points.” How do our religious values and communal connections help us navigate such transitions? How do they encourage us to persevere and to discover the new directions and new opportunities that lie ahead? Click here to View Service

No Matter What!

Christian theologian Paul Tillich once defined god as the “ground of our being.” In times of great uncertainty and unease, what is it that we call on and count on to offer us reassurance? Rev. Bruce will explore with us how we seek and find that which holds us together when everything seems to be … Continue reading No Matter What!

The Big Tent

Unitarian Universalists are known for our affirmation and respect for diverse religious ideas and expressions. Yet we are not simply a community where anything goes and you can “believe anything you want to.” Rev. Bruce will explore how we define our identity as people of faith with a special interactive experience meant to help us … Continue reading The Big Tent

Listening for Our Song

Deeply listening is a spiritual skill that does not come easy for most of us. When someone else is speaking, actually hearing them and not just reacting to their words can be quite a challenge. When our own inner voice of consciousness and wisdom has something to say, we can be quick to distract ourselves … Continue reading Listening for Our Song