Speaker: Rev. Bruce Beisner

Practically Praying

The traditional definition of prayer is that it is a practice which connects us with the holy and the transcendent. Such practice takes many forms within the world’s diverse religious traditions. Teachings about how and when and why to pray are often passed down from generation to generation. We’ll explore how as Unitarian Universalists we … Continue reading Practically Praying

Teach Your Children Well

Throughout our nation’s past, Americans have created and used racial identity as a means of diminishing the lives and worth of some among us. Today, much of our true history is being suppressed or re-framed as it is being taught to the next generation. We’ll reflect on the need to honestly speak about how race … Continue reading Teach Your Children Well

Together We Rise : Today’s Service is Online Only due to Weather!

As we begin a New Year, our nation is bracing for major changes as new political leadership prepares to take power. Connecting in solidarity and support with others across our Louisville area will be vital for surviving and resisting in this new environment. How might our religious affirmation of respect for the worth and dignity of … Continue reading Together We Rise : Today’s Service is Online Only due to Weather!