Plant Sale for International Justice

May 14th & 15th, 2022

Reminding all Flower and Plant lovers, the International Justice Committee is planning a plant sale on May 14th & 15th – Saturday and Sunday.  We will sell native and perennial plants, like we did for years as part of the Art in the Arbor. Ann Dorzback will be with us selling her famous pussy willows.

The proceeds will support our new project Days for Girls in Ecuador. We need empty pots and plants from your yards that have been potted for at least a week ( longer is better of course ). There will be lots of pots, labels, and a large container of potting soil up against the fence just past the farmhouse on the Crossgate side of the All Peoples property. Put your donated plants there now. Now is the time to dig those plants as they emerge. We will also need volunteers for set-up and the two sale days. Since this will be an entirely outdoor event, it will be a safe opportunity to get together and have fun again!

Contact Sheila Ward 502-592-7616 or Diane Guenthner 502-930-9733 for information.