NOW! Advocate for Change to Address the Climate Crisis Today!

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All Peoples LOGO with text

On Sunday October 17, our All Peoples congregation voted to adopt the following resolution:

We recognize that human civilization is under threat from climate change, and we call on all members of our community to begin immediately taking appropriate action.Our church has a long history of supporting efforts to protect our environment and to change the ways we live as a community and as individuals to make them more sustainable and reduce their harmful impacts to our Earth.


In 2020, the Louisville Metro Council passed a resolution that commits our local government to move towards 100% renewable energy by the year 2030. We all need Metro Council to move forward NOW on implementing this resolution, including fully funding a program to invest in solar powered electric generation on Metro buildings.


All Peoples Justice Center and our Green Sanctuary Committee encourage you to join others in advocating for positive and needed change in our city!

It takes just a moment and will make a difference!

3 easy steps:


  1. Go to this website and identify your Council member


  1. Address an email to your member with the following text:


Dear Council Member,

Thank you for your commitment to addressing climate change by passing the 100%

renewable energy resolution in 2020. As your constituent, I strongly urge

you to take the next step by adding funding into the upcoming budget to invest in solar

powered electric generation on Metro Buildings so we can make real progress towards achieving this goal. This is very important to me and to the future of our city.



  1. Hit send!


You are also invited to write a postcard and mail it by USPS to your Council member.

Your email or postcard will join many others from our congregation as a way of raising our religious voice to protect our planet by speaking out to our elected officials.