Family Ministry

Family Ministry is an approach to faith development that recognizes that adults in parenting roles are the primary religious educators for their children and youth, within the context of the loving care and attention of the whole congregational community.

The concept of Family Ministry:

  • involves building a partnership between congregation and families;
  • provides opportunities and resources for practicing our faith as families, in the congregation, at home, and through action in the community;
  • brings our faith into our daily lives and fosters connection with each other and the world;
  • commits to a process of intentionally and persistently realigning our congregation’s proclamation and practices so that adults in parenting roles are acknowledged and supported;
  • supports weaving families throughout congregational life.

Family Ministry nurtures partnership with persons of various social backgrounds, and family structures (single parents, divorced parents, adoptive/foster parents, grandparents, etc), meeting those in parenting roles where they are and supporting their spiritual growth as well as that of their children and youth. We are currently offering a virtual family gathering immediately following Sunday service (see below).

Family Time

family ministry spirit spaceFamily Ministry offers a weekly virtual gathering following Sunday service meant to help families connect with each other and explore our faith tradition together when coming in person is not a viable option.

Parents, children, and youth are invited to gather together online for a time of faith engagement. Spirit Space is a place to explore, discover, and engage with our Unitarian Universalist faith using stories, activities and games. It’s a great way to be in community with other All Peoples families. Please join us. Look for updates, times, and other important information in the Weekly Buzz Newsletter!

To Join Spirit Space go to: (this is a new link!)

Announcing the Family Lounge!

Got littles who are not vaccinated?

Family Ministry has opened a room especially for our families with littles under the age of five who cannot yet be vaccinated. There will be a wall monitor to watch the service and play stations for your younglings. This is a parent supervised space.

Questions? Please email Barb at

Family Ministry affirms that family faith development is a journey of relationships. Family members connect and reconnect with one another, the faith community, and the world around us to discover and rediscover a seeking, active faith. Contact our Director of Lifespan Faith Development, Barb Friedland at for more information!

See the latest with Families & Children below!

Lifespan Lens

All Peoples Lifespan Lens: Welcome to the practice of centering love through trust!

As Unitarian Universalists, we are on a lifelong quest to explore, discover and engage with our liberal faith. Centering Love ...
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Lifespan Lens: Welcome to the practice of INCLUSION February 2025

As Unitarian Universalists, we are on a lifelong quest to explore, discover and engage our faith.  Welcome to the Practice ...
fireworks- The Middies

Family MInistry has BIG news!

Family Ministry at All Peoples is absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of the "Middies" Group, a series of joyful ...
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Lifespan Lens: Welcome to the Practice of Story January 2025

Welcome to the Practice of Story  "I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the ...
Lifespan Lens

Lifespan Lens: December 2024 Welcome to the Practice of Presence

As Unitarian Universalists, we are on a lifelong quest to explore, discover and engage our faith. Welcome to the Practice ...