As Unitarian Universalists, we are on a lifelong quest to explore, discover and engage our faith.
Welcome to the Practice of Presence
The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass,
it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.
-Henry Miller
Every month, All Peoples makes materials available to facilitate exploring a theological theme.
Our December theme asks us to explore PRESENCE.
Spiritually, presence can mean two quite different things. On the one hand, contemplatives talk of “being present.” Presence from this perspective is all about awareness and remembering to “live in the moment.” On the other hand, theologians tend to come at presence from the perspective of a hidden and divine “otherness.” Their concern is not just that we pay attention to the present moment, but that we notice a transcendent Presence woven through all moments.
The underlying message here is that the world is shot through with unnoticed gifts and grace. It’s a message perfectly fit for this holiday month that so often celebrates presents over presence. In the face of commercials and billboards that tell us our lives will finally be complete if we stuff them with a few more shiny objects or plastic gadgets, our spiritual traditions come along and remind us that our lives are already whole, and home. Their message: The greatest gift of the holidays is noticing the many gifts that have been sitting there all along.
So, friends, how will you engage this dance? What powerful and meaningful presence is waiting for you to be present to it? What gift is waiting and wanting to emerge? What will your awareness bring into being this month?
Let’s explore together! Click HERE to access a list of reflection questions.
Family Ministry groups are exploring the Practice of Presence too! 
During this dizzy time of year, full of celebrations and activities, how can we practice awareness, being in the moment? How does practicing presence benefit us?
Click HERE for a set of reflection questions for families.
The Grinch and UUville: Cast Practice
December 8th @ 1:00 PM
Our cast will gather at 1:00 PM in the sanctuary. Show up if you’re interested. Barb has easy walk on parts so you can get in on the fun!
Susie, Diana, Agnes, Tish, Lisa, and Kevin are ALL Family MInistry Helpers -How about you?
You are not expected to lead and no preparation is needed. You can select the morning that works best for you! Please contact Barb at to learn how you can make a real difference at All Peoples.
Yule and Winter Solstice Celebration!
Friday, December 20th @ 6:30 PM
Jordan Salesman and friends will follow up our wonderful Samhain Bonfire Gathering with a family friendly Yule and Winter Solstice Celebration on Friday, December 20th at 6:30 pm. We will experience rituals, activities, and no doubt something yummy.
Barb Friedland- Director, LIfespan Faith Engagement Email:
Phone 502.425.6943
The All Peoples Lifespan Lens is produced by Barb Friedland, DLFE