What’s Coming Up!
WHEW! there is a lot going on! In talks with some of you all, I know that we’re all kind of reeling from the onslaught of proclamations, the cabinet picks, and other actions coming from the Trump Administration. Most, if not all of us, I’m sure are feeling the weight of this onslaught and struggling with all it means. The “shock and awe” framing from the administration about this barrage of actions is accurate!
I have been struggling with three main responses to this experience:
1) feelings of being overwhelmed and not knowing how to act/react/respond in ways that are meaningful
2) feeling pulled to focus on all that I am against!
3) feeling myself called to hate — not just hate what is being done but also hating the people who are doing it.
In the midst of these spiritual, intellectual and emotional reactions, I am working to intentionally stay grounded in three ways:
1) Stay Local! A lot of what is coming down is big and hairy and scary and beyond my capacities to do anything about. The ways that these decisions are coming down to the local area (in my case, Louisville), are still hairy and scary, but there also more accessible. As one UU reminded us in a recent meeting “all politics are local” — when I connect to the local impacts of these big, audacious, scary policies, they become less overwhelming. AND I am connecting with local folx to help to generate more power, help build community, and help ways to have fun and be joyful in the midst of the really hard work we have to do.
2) Stay Progressive! The image I experience (in my mind and in my body) with this onslaught of mean-ness is pushing against something with all my might, knees locked, heels dug in, arms pushing hard against this force and my back straight! But this position, I know from my own experience as an organizer and what we all know from research, is not sustainable! If we want to sustain our efforts, our activism, our organizing, our relationships… for the next 4 years, we have to focus on what we are FOR, not what we are against.
3) Stay Grounded in Love! At the center of our Faith is Love. Hating Trump, and/or his supporters, and/or his cabinet choices, and/or any of the people is not an expression of my faith! I am not suggesting that I have found a way to offer President Trump love, but I can ground my responses in love. It’s a really good opportunity for me to practice what I claim to believe 😉
Our intention as the state network, is to focus even more right now on “us”. Yes we have a lot of work in front of us. And I suspect that many of us are being pulled to the work at the local level! AND — We’re in this together. I and the Board will be planning more opportunities for us to be together (mostly virtually but also in person) to strengthen our bonds with each other and deepen our ability to stay persistent!