Take Action!
Yes in My BackYard Bill
SB 59, the so called “
yes in my backyard bill” has been filed in Frankfort by Sen Higdon. This bill would amend state law to ease the process by which religious institutions develop and offer affordable housing. It has been sent to the Economic Development, Tourism and Labor Committee, but as far as I know, no hearing has yet been set for it. This bill does, according to a couple of sources, have some momentum.
Across the state, and certainly in Metro Louisville, we are facing a severe housing shortage. This bill would create some pathways to begin filling this gap.
Help Protect our Immigrant Neighbors
As mentioned above, President Trump issues a proclamation on Jan 20 that effectively states that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is now able to go to congregations and schools in search of immigrants who do not have papers. This directly counters 2017 “Safe Haven” policy passed by the JCPS Board. This policy clarifies that:
a) JCPS staff, volunteers and contractors are prohibited from requiring that students disclose their immigration statues;
b) that unless compelled by a court order, JCPS staff volunteers and contractors are not to disclose a student’s immigration status (to ICE or anyone else); and
c) sets up clear parameters for when and how ICE can enter school property in search of immigrants (with enough notice to the Superintendent to allow her/him to provide for the safety and security of the students of that school).
We can expect JCPS to come under severe pressure (from both federal and state entities) to challenge this policy!
NOW is the time for JCPS to stand firm! Given the actions that the Trump administration has already taken, the immigrant community is feeling under threat — which is already likely undermining the health and well being of students. They and their families deserve to know that JCPS and we as a community have their backs!
Eviction Prevention
Unlike most cities our size and larger, Metro Louisville has no current policies or administrative office that helps prevent evictions. Metro Louisville does have an “eviction prevention working group” (which the Justice Center has joined and which is facilitated by Metro United Way). This working group is coordinating one ask to the Mayor and Metro Council for fund eviction prevention efforts out of this year’s budget.
In the coming weeks and months, we’ll be sharing information about ways you can help advocate for this budget request.