Justice Center News – September 2024

From the Director

Give for Good is just around the corner (Sept 12). The Justice Center, along with over 100 other community organizations who are doing good in our community are participating this year. The Justice Center has a goal to raise $6000 this year as a part of Give for Good.
As you may know, Give for Good is one of the biggest days of giving in Metro Louisville. Hosted by the Community Foundation of Louisville, Give for Good is a day of giving and generosity from our community.  We encourage you to give generously not only to support the Justice Center and our ongoing work, but also look around at the website and choose some other organization that you can also support.
There are also two events happening this Sunday (Sept 8) that we’re highlighting below.
Thank you all for your continues support for the work of the Justice Center and I look forward to more progress alongside you all!

Give for Good

Join the entire Metro Louisville Community in this day of doing good.  From midnight to 11:59 pm on Thurs Sept 12, you can go online to Give For Good to support the Justice Center. You know the value of the Justice Center and the growing impact we’re having. You also know that the Justice Center is an initiative of All Peoples Unitarian Universalist Congregation. All Peoples generously covers all of the administrative costs for the Justice Center (rent, utilities, etc). The programming (including staff time) is not covered by the church, the Justice Center does all of its own fundraising. 
By giving through Give for Good, you benefit the Justice Center in ways beyond your generous contribution:  1) every donation can help to qualify the Justice Center for other financial incentives offered by the Community Foundation of Louisville (for example, the first organization to reach 100 donors); 2) every donation helps elevate the Justice Center to other potential donors who are exploring the Give for Good; and 3) your help build the Justice Center’s reach.
Please remember Give For Good on Sept 12!

Partner Events and Opportunities

Louisville Grows is celebrating their 15th anniversary on Sunday Sept 8 from 2:00 – 5:00 at 1641 Portland Ave.  For more invormation, contact Ellie Davenport
The Association of Community Ministries is hosting “Togetherfest” on Sept 8 at the Icehouse (1400 S Shelby St.). Register here.
See information below and consider joining us to support ACM and have some fun!