Join Elwood in a book discussion series: The Transcendentalists – How UUs Tried to Move America Towards Justice

Conflagration by Buehrens

Elwood Sturtevant, All Peoples Minister Emeritus, is presenting this class for interested member and friends:

The Transcendentalists – How UUs Tried to Move America Towards Justice

The course runs on consecutive Mondays from March 3rd through April 7th  7-8:30pm .  We will meet  in the Hearth Room and it may also be viewed via ZOOM.


Mark your calendars!

Ideally, participants should obtain a copy of the book to beginning reading a portion of it prior to the first class:

***Conflagration: How the Transcendentalists Sparked the American Struggle for Racial, Gender, and Social Justice

by John A.  Buehrens, author.

***Conflagration – Elwood has several copies for loan; used copies for less than $10 can be found on line;  and Amazon offers it as a physical book, an audio book, and for Kindle.



Each session will review the reading for that evening and deal with questions prompted by the reading, and then take up a more specific subject and its connections to our world today.


   (before the 1st session, please review Conflagration pp. 1-52)

3/3 – Overview – The Transcendentalists, their issues, and the lessons and limitations of history.


(before the session, please review Conflagration pp. 55-108)

3/10 – What is church for? How are we called to live? (James Freeman Clarke)


(before the session, please review Conflagration pp. 129-162)

3/17 – The role of women (Margaret Fuller and others)


(before the session, please review Conflagration pp. 167-219)

3/24 – Abolition, white supremacy and the demands of justice (Theodore Parker)


(before the session, please review Conflagration pp. 221-258)

3/31- Individualism, Organizations, and Nature (Henry David Thoreau)


(before the session, please review Conflagration pp. 261-289)

4/7 – Conclusions? What do we take from our history?



If you don’t know history, it’s as if you were born yesterday. If you were born yesterday then any leader can tell you anything.”  Howard Zinn, American historian (1924-2010)


History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”  David McCullough, American historian