We are engaged in a major effort, as a part of the Kentucky UU Justice Action Network and in partnership with the League of Women Voters, KFTC and Louisville Urban League to get out the vote in 2022. We are still in the planning stages, but in the very near future, you can expect some opportunities to become involved in these efforts.
Our GOTV efforts have two different foci: from now til Oct 10 (the last day to register), we’ll be focusing on registration drives, and after Oct 10, we’ll focus on mobilizing efforts (supporting the people who are registered to actually get to the polls.
Our registration efforts will begin with a post card campaign (sending postcards to marginalized voters encouraging them to register with information about how to register) alongside tabling at events, followed by phone and text banking and door-to-door canvassing. the Justice Center is waiting on KUUJAN to identify the phone-bank and text bank platform that we’ll use to facilitate these banks.
We are also planning a GOTV concert For Sept 11 (see flyer). I very much hope that you’ll join us and that you’ll help spread the word about this critical event/opportunity. It’s a concert so the focus is on having fun and being in community together, and it will be an opportunity to expand our GOTV Efforts.
Your help will be critical to these efforts, Please let me know directly if you are interested in being involved in our GOTV at some level!