Explore the intertwining histories and destinies of Christians, Jews, Muslims, and UUs with The Salaam Network Jan. 19th (7:00 – 8:30 p.m.)

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Invitation to Zoom  “Children of the Same God” by Susan Ritchie on Jan. 19, 2022 (7:00 – 8:30 p.m.)

Members of the The Salaam Network we will be discussing the book and YouTube video “Children of the Same God – The Historical Relationship Between Unitarianism, Judaism, and Islam” by Dr. Susan Ritchie.

This event will occur via zoom. Scroll down to find details.

Dr. Ritchie holds a doctorate in cultural/religious studies from Ohio State University. She is Associate Professor of Unitarian Universalist History and Ministry at Starr King School for the Ministry and parish minister at North Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Lewis Center, Ohio. Dr. Joseph Brennan’s summary of the book is attached.

In the book, Dr. Ritchie makes the groundbreaking historical argument that, long before Unitarianism and Universalism merged in the United States, Unitarianism itself was inherently multireligious. She demonstrates how Unitarians in Eastern Europe claimed a strong affinity with Jews and Muslims from the very beginning and how mutual theological underpinnings and active cooperation underpin Unitarian history but have largely disappeared from the written accounts. With clear implications for the religious identity of Christians, Jews, and Muslims as well as Unitarian Universalists, and especially for interfaith work, Children of the Same God illuminates the intertwining histories and destinies of these traditions.

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