December – Passionist Center Newsletter

December 2021

Information to Share
Fr. Joe Mitchell and the rest of us from the Passionist Earth & Spirit Center would like to invite your members to join us in upcoming opportunities. We have some in person and zoom programming. Would you consider including the following in your newsletter or electronic correspondence the next few weekends?
Thank you from all of us at the Passionist Earth & Spirit Center.
All my best,
Kyle T. Kramer, M. Div
Executive Director

FREE – Intro to Mindfulness Meditation Workshop
Thursday, January 6, 11:00-12:00p.m. or 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
In Person and Online via Zoom
Why are CEOs, attorneys, healthcare professionals, counselors, educators, and the military starting to pay attention to mindfulness meditation? Why has this ancient spiritual practice suddenly become so popular? Come to this free 60-minute class to see if mindfulness meditation might be for you. Bring a friend! Free but registration required.

Med 1 – Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
Mondays, beginning Jan. 10 at 11 a.m. or 7 p.m., 10 week course
This class is a great entry point for anyone who wants to learn how to meditate. Whether you’re battling anxiety, stress or depression, having a hard time focusing, seeking spiritual growth, or simply want to feel better and be more present, this class teaches the basics of establishing a mindfulness meditation practice that can have remarkable physical, psychological and spiritual benefits. You’ll learn how to quiet your mind, get your ego in check, and live a more fully present life.

Med 5 – Awakening Wellness
Getting Mindfulness Right with Fr Joe Mitchell
Tuesdays, beginning Jan. 11 at 11 a.m., 5 week course
Fr. Joe developed a new course to welcome back experienced meditators. There is a deep spring of wellbeing within each of us. The doorway to finding that inner contentment is through awareness. Mindfulness, an ancient technique for attentional training, is simple but not easy to master. There are many subtle aspects to the practice. This course for experienced meditators reviews the basic aspects of mindfulness meditation with a goal toward spiritual growth, exploring levels of consciousness, and human flourishing.

FREE – Listen, Learn, Act
Finding a Path Forward on Education
Begins Feb 15, 11:00 a.m.
In this second in a series of courses focused on “A Path Forward,” we’ll look closely at education challenges for Black Louisvillians, and we’ll clarify the roles of white people as allies in the cause of justice. Through readings, recordings, and guest speakers, we’ll better understand our current situation and how we got to where we are. Finally, we’ll identify actions we can take as individuals and as the Earth & Spirit Community, to support the implementation of “A Path Forward” and to reverse systems of racial oppression so our community can begin to heal.
Facilitators: Di Kerrigan, Debbi LaPorte, Rev. Joe Phelps, plus weekly guest speakers

Interfaith Spirituality Series
Next journey begins Feb 2
Introduction to Zen – Learn the Fundamentals, Experience the Benefits
Wednesday evenings – February 2, 9, 16, 23; from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. EST
How is Zen different from other forms of meditation? Can I practice Zen and still keep my own religion? Do I have to sit cross-legged in order to meditate?
This four-week course provides a thorough-going introduction to the principles of Zen Buddhism. Participants learn the basic theory and disciplines of Zen meditation and experience first-hand the practice of zazen (sitting meditation). Zazen postures, methods of breathing, and methods of concentrating the mind are demonstrated, explained, and practiced. We also cover integrating Zen practice with daily life, dealing with various mental states that may arise during meditation, and finding and working with a teacher or other spiritual friend. Workshop participants will have several opportunities to ask questions, including specific inquiries about their own spiritual practice.
Instructor: Jeanette Prince-Cherry

Passionist Earth & Spirit Center
1924 Newburg Road | Louisville, KY 40205 | 502.452.2749