Days for Girls Team Resumes Making Hygiene Kits !

Days for Girls Masks
Days for Girls Masks
Days for Girls Masks

Our Days for Girls team has been sewing masks individually in our homes for the community since March 2020. As of April 2021, we have produced aprox 8,000 masks that have been donated to hospitals, community clinics, mental health agencies, nursing homes, and many many others.  Most of our masks have been donated to the Iroquois Family Health Center. This clinic serves immigrant and refugee families in the South Louisville community. The masks are sized for small children, middle school age kids, and adults. They are distributed to the families who arrive at the clinic without masks.

As of April 12, 2021 we began to meet in person again. We have stopped making masks, and have resumed making kits again. These kits will be sent in batches of 50 to the Days for Girls International distribution office. They will eventually go to women in girls in countries where they are needed most.

Days for Girls kit
Days for Girls hygiene kit