Days for Girls Plant Sale

The International Justice Committee held a plant sale on May 8th to raise money for our Days for Girls sewing team, and to support educational programing by Days for Girls International. We worked from March until the day of the sale digging up plants from our yards, potting them, tending them, and then setting them out for sale. We were blessed with an absolutely gorgeous May day, plenty of volunteers, and thankfully, lots of customers. 

We advertised almost entirely on social media, and drew a lively crowd that bought most of our plants. In addition to the plants, we had an education booth where we displayed our Days for Girls kits, and educational materials. Many customers had never been to or heard of our church, and they were impressed with our grounds, our plants and our mission. Several people made donations in addition to their purchases. Several had questions about All Peoples, the name change, and Days for Girls. Several customers volunteered to provide plants for future plant sales. 

Ann Dorsback joined us selling her famous pussy willows. Many people had stories to tell about the tiny pussy willow plants they bought from Ann at our Art in the Arbor years ago that are now large trees in their yards.

By the end of day, we had a little over $2,500 in the cash box. Ann Dorzback contributed $125 from her pussy willow sales. Half of the money was allocated to the Days for Girls Louisville sewing team supply fund. Half was sent to Days for Girls International to help support their educational programs around the world.