Creating a Balanced Social Justice Program

5 Main Approaches to Taking Action

These offer a variety of ways to be involved and are key to maintaining a successful social justice program. The actions do not exist in isolation from one another – rather, they are complementary.

The 5 types of social justice action are:

1. SERVICE: The purpose of social service is to meet the needs of persons in distress.

Strengths: It is doing something in the present

Challenges: Relieving the symptoms does not always solve the problem over time and often has little impact on public policy.


      • fundraising (Share the Plate with local, state, national, international non-profits with an observable record of beneficial action)
      • Project Warm
      • Green Streets: local non-profit that offers online carbon credits to fund local activities that reduce the heat island effect and our individual/collective carbon footprint. Activities include depaving – breaking up pavement- and planting trees, installing LED bulbs in low income home, education about carbon footprints through partnership with Metro Housing.
      • Evolve KY
      • Repair Affair
      • Join Green Sanctuary Committee and Grounds Committee
      • Personal Responsibility: Personal Carbon Footprint analysis, ethical eating, lawn care, transportation, waste/ recycling/ consumption TJUC enhancements (lawn maintenance)
      • Clean up and repair in communities suffering from flood water damage
      • Engage Ballard & Kammerer School students in engaging in our grounds maintenance

2. EDUCATION: The purpose of social education is to educate people about the importance of a social issue. The goal is to inform people about the aspects of the issues and also interpret the issue within the context of liberal religious values.

Strengths: People’s consciousness is raised. When done with accountability, those most impacted by the issue have a voice.

Challenges: Talking about a problem may become a substitute for doing something about it. Providing advocacy action steps as part of education and having form letters and postcards available at the event, can help overcome this.


      • Utilize TJUC’s ARE & Youth RE Ministry programs for classes
      • Host Public Forums
      • Use arts for communication (drama, visual arts)
      • Minister’s role in leadership during Sunday Services
      • Guest speakers that lead Sunday Services
      • Make use of Facebook, Instagram, Website/links
      • Promote Environmental, Climate Crisis curriculum in local and state schools
      • Learn from the experiences of those who have endured the negative effects of climate change from air, land, and water pollution, un-addressed health concerns, including the differences between East and West Louisville.
      • Book Club

3. WITNESS: The purpose of social witness is to make public by word or deed the convictions of an individual or organization regarding a particular issue.

Strengths: People in the community know where we stand on a given issue. At its best, our witness involves partnering with others in the community, especially those most affected.

Challenges: It may be tempting to believe that speaking out in itself will solve the problem. Gaining media attention that emphasizes solutions as well as highlighting the problem can create momentum.


      • Participating in demonstrations, vigils, and marches
      • writing letters to the editor
      • passing resolutions
      • communicating to the wider community through press releases and/or press conferences
      • organizing petition campaigns
      • changing our lifestyles.
      • Amend TJUC’s Mission Statement and Covenant to address dedication of Justice Issues
      • Follow up on commitments that the TJUC congregation made to the Citizens Climate Lobby
      • Make use of Facebook, Instagram, Website/links to publicize our stances; as individuals and TJUC
      • Attend Rallies & March in Rallies – YELLOW SHIRTS!
      • Partner with Louisville Climate Action Network, UU Create Climate Justice, Earth and Spirit Center, & Climate Justice Alliance

4. ADVOCACY: The purpose of advocacy is to work through the legislative process to impact public policy.

Strengths: Policy makers can be particularly moved to created public policy from hearing testimonials from people experiencing hardship and oppression from current policies.

Challenges: Taking stands on controversial issues can split a congregation. A careful process should be used.


      • Visiting elected representatives in a delegation, writing letters to elected officials, giving testimony at public hearings.
      • Advocate for Kentuckians For The Commonwealth’s Empower KY Plan
      • Support directives from our chosen Climate Action partner organizations and the UUA

5. COMMUNITY ORGANIZING: The purpose of community organizing is to participate in the process by which decisions are made in places of power. The focus is on the power of institutional structures and how that power is used for good or evil. This approach is based on the recognition that individuals have little power to change their situations without the empowerment of groups who know how to organize and influence power.

Strengths: Oppressive systems are transformed. Accountability is established. Partnerships are formed across lines of race, class, gender identity, and faith, and new relationships are transforming for congregational members.

Challenges: Working in coalitions can be difficult and time consuming. Patience is required. Acceptance or tolerance of other religious beliefs and language can be challenging for Unitarian Universalists. This approach may involve more political struggle than many members of a congregation feel comfortable with.
