Category: Racial Justice

All Peoples Name Change Journey “Reckoning with Racial Justice”

 ( formerly Thomas Jefferson) “Reckoning with Racial Justice” This video is a conversation between Deborah Novgorodoff, president of our Board of Trustees,  and Coco Brown ___ (aka Cobb), a member of the Board and a primary instigator of our change in name from Thomas Jefferson to All Peoples.  In it, they describe the process that … Continue reading All Peoples Name Change Journey “Reckoning with Racial Justice”

Supporting the Louisville Protests

In Solidarity, our Board of Trustees is declaring support for First Unitarian Church and their role in the Louisville protests. Our statement is as follows: We the Board of Trustees of All Peoples UU Congregation support and congratulate our sibling congregation, the First Unitarian Church of Louisville, for their recent acts of love and justice. That First Church has … Continue reading Supporting the Louisville Protests