Category: Justice Work

All Peoples in Solidarity with Immigrants 2-28-25

Protestors raise their voices, signs in support of undocumented immigrants in Louisville Dozens gathered along Preston Highway, Friday for the second rally and march in solidarity of immigrants in Louisville. Voices were raised along Preston Highway in the Okolona neighborhood Friday. People gathered to stand in solidarity and march for immigrants. “We want the community … Continue reading All Peoples in Solidarity with Immigrants 2-28-25

“Welcoming and Valuing” Town Hall Discussion Mar. 9th 12:30pm Sanctuary and Zoom

What can each of us do to make our fellow members, friends, and visitors feel more welcome and valued at All Peoples?  The Beloved Conversations Among Group will share their vision for doing so, obtain your feedback regarding those ideas, and listen to your suggestions for making our Beloved Community more beloved.  Join us on … Continue reading “Welcoming and Valuing” Town Hall Discussion Mar. 9th 12:30pm Sanctuary and Zoom