Author: Ellen Wade

Next Step for TJ’s Name Change Project: beginning Sept 20th

The Name Change Steering Committee invites your participation this Sunday, Sept 20th in our after-service coffee chat.  Please make time for this important contribution.  Your input is valuable. We will be focusing on your preferences for our “noun.”  (review Dan’s earlier website posting on how other churches choose names)  Do we want to be a … Continue reading Next Step for TJ’s Name Change Project: beginning Sept 20th

Survey for You!- Please share with the Name Change Project committee

The Name Change Steering Committee needs you!  Please click on the Survey and spend a few minutes completing this survey.  We really appreciate your help.  If you’ve already participated in our discussion groups, the survey is optional. We’d love to have your responses by 9/8/2020.  Thanks! Click Here for Survey   

Consistent and Unconditional Support for Artistic Pursuit and Cultural Diversity. 

Easter Impressions Choir I’ve been meaning to write to tell you that since we were still unable to resume our choir normal practice under such lingering pandemic circumstances, Eastern Impressions decided not to keep booking the Sawyer room anymore. Please help us inform your church of our decision so they may let others make good … Continue reading Consistent and Unconditional Support for Artistic Pursuit and Cultural Diversity.