Author: Ellen Wade

NOW! Advocate for Change to Address the Climate Crisis Today!

On Sunday October 17, our All Peoples congregation voted to adopt the following resolution: “We recognize that human civilization is under threat from climate change, and we call on all members of our community to begin immediately taking appropriate action.” Our church has a long history of supporting efforts to protect our environment and to change the ways … Continue reading NOW! Advocate for Change to Address the Climate Crisis Today!

Sunday Morning Discussion Nov. 28th 9:30AM-10:45AM

The Effects Of Missionaries to Primitive Cultures: Both Good and Bad IN-PERSON OR ZOOM The Zoom link is always the same. Find it at website home page and click on “Virtual Groups” The in-person meeting will be in the Hearth Room (with a newly renovated ventilation system) of All Peoples, 4936 Brownsboro Rd., Louisville KY 40222 Newcomers are welcome to join us!

Salaam Network Achievements Despite Covid Pandemic!

Update December 2021: Dear Friends, I hope this finds you well. As you know, due to covid-19, since March 2020 The Salaam Network (TSN) has not been able to hold in-person programs for the community. However, TSN has remained very active and has held numerous virtual programs including: (i)    the Veritas 6-week course of Bellarmine University … Continue reading Salaam Network Achievements Despite Covid Pandemic!

Tai Chi in November! Register for Tuesdays Nov. 2,9,16,23 with Van

Tuesday, November 2, 9, 16, 23 5Element Form Tai Chi 4:15 p.m. to 5pm The Adult Exploration Committee invites you to join Van Hurst Tuesday afternoons for 5 Element Tai Chi. 5 Element Form is based upon the five elements (fire, earth, air/metal, water, and wood) of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Tai Chi is practiced by … Continue reading Tai Chi in November! Register for Tuesdays Nov. 2,9,16,23 with Van

Defining God for Ourselves Discussion Class- Rev. Bruce Beisner

TWO SESSIONS: Wednesdays November 10 and 17 7:00pm-8:30pm   Unitarian Universalism encourages us to freely explore many different religious ideas. We are empowered to reimagine and redefine traditional terms and concepts in ways that feel most meaningful for us personally. Rev. Bruce Beisner invites you to join him for this two-part discussion class. We will … Continue reading Defining God for Ourselves Discussion Class- Rev. Bruce Beisner