Author: Ellen Wade

“South Pacific Adventure” an Anthropological Exploration Four Sessions in April

“South Pacific Adventure” Four Wednesdays: April 6 April 13 April 20 April 27 7:00 – 8:30pm in the Hearth Room  (in person only) Join All Peoples friend Lee Pennington on a journey to Tahiti,  French Polynesia and  Marquesas Islands, rediscovering the historic ancient worship places he visited and documented some thirty years ago by filming … Continue reading “South Pacific Adventure” an Anthropological Exploration Four Sessions in April

All Peoples Book Club Discussions at Noon on the THIRD Wednesdays- in-person

All Peoples Monthly Book Club Discussions at noon-1pm- brown bag and friendly chat;  1-2pm book discussion on 3rd Wednesdays The third Wednesday of each month- resuming in-person in the Hearth Room Connect with new friends and old friends as we explore a variety of great books together.  Bring your lunch!  Newcomers always welcome  For any … Continue reading All Peoples Book Club Discussions at Noon on the THIRD Wednesdays- in-person

“Bible 101” Discussion Class Thursdays starting April 7th on Zoom!

“Bible 101” Discussion Class Thursday nights from April 7 to May 23 (8 sessions) 7:00pm on Zoom The Bible impacts our lives in numerous ways: art, literature, and law—to name a few. People still swear on it and by it. People say they believe in it and use it as justification for their behavior—sometimes good, … Continue reading “Bible 101” Discussion Class Thursdays starting April 7th on Zoom!