All Peoples Lifespan Lens: Welcome to the practice of centering love through trust!

Lifespan Lens
As Unitarian Universalists, we are on a lifelong quest
to explore, discover and engage with our liberal faith.

Centering Love Through the Practice of Trust 

“Trust yourself.
Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.
Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility
into flames of achievement.” – Golda Meir.
Every month, All Peoples makes materials available to facilitate exploring a theological theme. Our March theme asks us to explore TRUST through a number of lenses.
We trust in more things than we may realize. And one of the ways we reveal and remember that is to think about what we turn to when things get hard, stressful, confusing or even frightening.
When we think about it, every relationship we have, whether it’s with ourselves, with others, even within our church community- is built on trust.
How do we trust ourselves? How do we trust others?
And perhaps most importantly, how do we repair broken trust?  This concept of repairing broken trust is strongly related to our practice of covenanting.
Perhaps we need to make room for everyone’s uniquely broken heart. We all experience broken trust in our own way. The way you need to repair trust is likely different from mine. But what we need is safe space. Space to say how hard that work of repair is. Space to say how much our experience of broken trust hurts.
So, how about it friends? This month, let’s prove to each other that we can all be trusted to offer safe and wide-open space for each other.
One of the best ways to explore our monthly theme is to talk about it with people who are close to you. It’s also a great way to develop trust and deepen our relationships! Let’s explore together! Click HERE to access a list of reflection questions.

Family Ministry Groups are Exploring Centering Love Through the Practice of Trust Too!

Learning about practicing trust is so impoirtant within families. Helping children learn to trust themselves and others, and helping ourselves as adults learn to trust our parenting skills are vital experiences.
We, as those in parenting roles, have the immense responsibility of modeling for young people what to do when trust has been broken and needs repair.
This month’s edition of Soulful Home may be of value as we explore the importance of trust. You’ll find great activities to do within your family. Click HERE to access Soulful Home
Click HERE for a set of reflection questions for families.
Barb Friedland-  Director, LIfespan Faith Engagement    Email:
Phone 502.425.6943

The All Peoples Lifespan Lens is produced by Barb Friedland, DLFE