Advocate for Change to Address Climate Crisis

Advocate for Change to Address the Climate Crisis Today!  

Over the past four months, our All Peoples congregation has been engaging in a sustained campaign to advocate for funding to promote continued movement towards more sustainable and environmentally-conscious energy usage by our Metro government here in Louisville. We are pleased to be joined by a number of other local religious communities and organizations in this ongoing effort to live our values and take action to protect our planet for future generations. 

All Peoples Justice Center and Green Sanctuary Committee encourage you to join with others TODAY in advocating for positive and needed change in our city! It takes just a moment and will make a difference!

3 easy steps:

1.) Go to this website and identify your Council member

2.) Address an email to your member with the following text:

Dear Council Member,

I want to applaud the Metro Council for creating the Energy Innovation Fund. It is good to know that money saved through energy efficiency will be used to further reduce our carbon footprint. Nonetheless, you need to do more. As you review the upcoming budget, please find a way to provide seed funding for the Energy Innovation Fund.

I think budgeting an additional $500,000/year would help tremendously to meet the 2030 goal of Metro Government operations using only clean renewable energy.


3.) Hit send! 


You are also invited to write a postcard and mail it by USPS to your Council member.

Your email will join many others from our congregation as a way of raising our religious voice to protect our planet by speaking out to our elected officials.

Click for Postcard PDF