Our Elected Leaders
Interested in becoming an elected leader?
Use these links below to view the Charters or expectations for each area.
Board of Trustees
Ellen Bishop (May 2025) president@allpeoplesuu.com
Danielle Gibeault (May 2025)
Frank Nye – appointed annually by Board treasurer@allpeoplesuu.com
Lisa Steiner secretary@allpeoplesuu.com
Betsy Reeves (May 2025)
Find bios of our Trustees Here
Endowment Supervisors
Karen Roberson, Supervisor (Oct 2026)
Martha Flack, Asst. Treasurer/ Endowment Board Secretary
Todd Gruenig (Oct 2024)
Cedric Saunders (Oct 2024)
Board Liaison: Debbie Lawther
Contact: endowment@allpeoplesuu.com
Nominating Committee
Mary Crawford (Oct 2024)
Penelope Morton(October 2024)
Cathy Bean (Oct 2025)
Liz Baber (Oct 2025)
Betsy Reeves, Board Liaison
Stewardship Committee
Deb Weeter (Oct 2024)
Walt Anderson (Oct 2024)
Bruce Murray (Oct 2022)
Stasia Snyder (Oct 2022)