Asylum Family News

asylum is a human right graphic

Thanks again and again to those who have so generously offered time, money, supplies, and kindness to our Asylum Family members. They now have a completely furnished and comfortable home – although a bunk bed or two would definitely give them a lot more usable floor space. They have the mattresses, and just need the bed frames. This is the one thing we are struggling to find for them.

The most vital need the family has right now is work for the father of the family, and the two teen age sons. The boys are in high school, but would benefit from weekend odd jobs. Although the father was working as an experienced electrician in The Democratic Republic of the Congo, he is not currently authorized to work as an employee here in the USA. He hopes to find handyman work until he is granted a work authorization card to be issued to him which will allow him to seek employment with companies. Until then, he can make money doing yard work, heavy cleaning, painting, moving, etc. for cash. He does not have a vehicle or driver’s license yet, so transportation would need to be figured out. He rides the TARC to most places out of the neighborhood. The family lives near Churchill Downs.

Ellen Wade has accompanied the mother of the family for her obstetrical care visits, and confirms we are expecting a girl, who appears to be healthy. Ellen and her chalice circle have chosen to work with this family as their service mission.

Dennis Neyman and Arlene Tuttle are working to find ways to help the children learn more conversational English. They have identified a need for math tutoring for several of the children.

If you can help with any of the needs listed here, please contact: Lesley Henney or Sheila Ward at